segunda-feira, 7 de junho de 2010

Egyptian Salad

Every first Sunday of the month we have a Break-The-Fast lunch after Church. And every month, we have a different theme. This month the theme was Egyptian food. I had never actually stopped to think about what kind of food they serve in Egypt - though I have dreamed about going to Egypt several times. As I googled 'egyptian food', I found a website with amazing recipes and was extremely surprised. The Egyptian cuisine is very rich in flavor and very close to the Middle Eastern cuisine - having been to North Africa and the Saharan desert, that shouldn't have surprised me at all! The website contained mostly recipes of salads, soups and spicy or curried meat. Since I had signed up to bring a salad, I chose this recipe and it was a delicious treat for a hot summer-like afternoon - it's still spring! Several other ingredients can be added such as feta cheese, olives, cucumbers and celery.  Here is the website:
Bom apetite! (bil hana wish shifa'!) بالهنا و الشفاء!


1 cabbage, sliced
1 can chickpeas
1 cup raisins
1 1/2 cup bell peppers, sliced
1 large tomato, diced
1 small red onion, chopped
1/4 cup fat-free cranberry salad dressing

Just mix all the ingredients and toss with the dressing. Serve it fresh!


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